Willem is one of the tens of thousands of users of the BackPainGoodbye Program.

In the picture you see him next to Max Caldas, coach of the Dutch Women's Hockey Team during the World Cup of 2014.

Because of his ever increasing back troubles, including a herniated disc,...

Willem had almost given up on photographing that event.

And him being a professional photographer, this was NOT good...

...because this was his income...

...so Willem took action.

I love telling his story because it shows possibilities, even when all looks dim.

For 15 years Willem suffered from low back pains, unrelenting nagging pains each and every day...

...on top of that, at least once a month his back would play up in what one of his doctors called acute lumbago with severe functional limitations.

Whenever that happened Willem experienced such excruciating pains that he subconsciously taught himself...

...to keep his back stiff and ramrod straight all day long...

...hoping to prevent his back from going out again.

Over the years Willem was treated again and again by manual therapists, physiotherapists and chiropractors...

...all to no avail.

Willem developed fear of moving...

...because his experience was that moving could - and sooner or later would - lead to acute onset of debilitating pains.

All of this led to a vicious downward cycle of increasing problems.

His MRI showed a L5S1 disc protrusion (herniated disc).

Two doctors adviced surgery...

...one wanted to surgically loosen up a 'tight' iliopsoas muscle...

...the other wanted to 'fix his herniated disc'...

Willem said no, went online and found our Dutch site.

Willem bought the BackPainGoodbye program and after some back and forth this is what he mailed:

Thank you! My faith is back!

"I want to thank you again for thinking along with me and of course for the balanced program which you have prepared. Understandable and clear.

I became less and less positive about a good outcome of my back problems.

That has all changed.

I photographed the Hockey World Cup from May 31 to June 15. In my opinion that tournament came just a little too early...

In the end I survived really well. They were very long days. The exact ingredients which would normally lead to things going wrong.

In the weeks before, I trained extensively twice a week and did the exercises you prescribed every day...

...I felt my back becoming more stable.

Sitting in a bad chair normally was killing. Now I notice my back can handle it well.

The fact that I survived that tournament gave me a huge boost. Faith is back again.

Now I need just a bit more flexibilty, even though that has already improved considerably.

I recently had a moment I felt my back going out while sitting (slumped). Immediately I became anxious again of course.

But the next day I just did my exercises, instead of avoiding moving which I would have normally done.

The exercises went well and that also gave a boost. I do not have to become inactive immediately when my back plays up.

Just take it easy for a short while but keep moving.

The mistake I made in the period when my back problems were building up, was that I was avoiding sports and other activities to prevent my back from going out again and this led to me not being able to do my work as a photographer.

It was precisely because of this wrong way of thinking that the problems arose.

That eye-opener has certainly put me back on track, along with your balanced training program of course.

Recently I played 1.5 hours of table tennis with my nephew and that also went well. I did have sore muscles the next day.

Picking up the ball neatly with bended knees.

The automatisms are not completely back yet.

Let's say that I am consciously competent at the moment.

— Willem Vernes - Photographer

Willem is one of many...

You see, I receive hundreds of emails from people all over the world...

....many telling me that they too left their back troubles behind.

And every single story...

...means yet another person able to pick up life more fully again, without limitations caused by pain.

That is what drives me to help as many people as possible to also leave their back troubles behind...

...so they too can live life again with a body that allows PAIN FREE action & movement...

...without drugs, without ongoing treatments, without surgery,

...even without exercise...

...that last bit might sound strange coming from me...

...but experience shows that

Once Moving Well is 'RE-PROGRAMMED Into Your System',

by the BackPainGoodbye Program...

...people just get on with their lives, not needing to do any special exercises anymore.

But let me introduce myself.

I am Robert Feddes, a former back pain sufferer myself...

I still remember that early morning in december 2001 when my back popped out...


And all I did was reach out to get a shirt for the day...

...can you imagine?...

...a shirt!

While I reached for it, I just felt this tiny crack inside...

...immediately my back froze up, like poured in concrete...

...it felt as if I was hit by a 400 pound linebacker running me into the ground.

Of course this was not the first time, but it definitely was the worst...

I had a history of 20 Years of ever increasing and worsening back pains...

...my back popping out more often and worse every time...

...ruining my days for weeks on end with debilitating pains...

...preventing me from doing what I wanted or needed...

...shooting sciatic pains right down my left leg...

...which made me fear for bulging disc surgery...

...and my doctor and physio kept on telling me there was no way to stop the downward trend...

"You just have to learn to live with it" they offered...

...next to recurring consultations and treatments of course...

I finally decided I had ENOUGH of this merry go round that got me nowhere...

...so I committed to study all the scientific knowledge on back health I could find...

...my doctor and physio were a path proven NOT to give lasting relief.

If I wanted a permanent solution, it was up to me to go and find it.

It took more than a year, but find it I did.

I never meant to become an expert in helping others leave their back troubles behind...

...but once I found a solution that worked for me, I could NOT just keep it for myself.

That is why I pass on to you...


The Do It Yourself Solution That Promotes Natural Bulging Disc Healing

Succesfull Because Of 4 Foundations...

In the past 18 years of helping thousands upon thousands of people worldwide...

...I learned that the key to natural healing of bulging or herniated discs lies in taking care of 4 things.

Most back experts say that muscle tension & imbalances are THE major contributing factors to back troubles including herniated discs...

...which my research confirms...

...but I dove deeper and researched what causes those muscles to become tense...

...that is how I discovered that muscle tension is not the problem, it is only the symptom, because...

...there are 4 reasons people unknowingly perpetuate their back troubles...

But here's the good news, once you know what to do about each of these 4...

Then turning around most back trouble situations and even natural bulging disc healing is as simple as following a proven plan...

A Proven Plan With Just 4 Steps To Take...

...to quickly correct the 4 root causes of the vast majority of back troubles, including herniated discs and other problems...

  1. Research shows that 98% of people with back trouble suffer from misalignment of ONE joint right at the base of the spine. UNTIL you CORRECT this joint, anything you do, will most likely just fail.
  2. Australian researchers found that in people with back trouble, small muscles at the deepest levels of the back no longer 'fire up' properly. Until you re-activate those small muscles in ISOLATION, your back will remain unstable.
  3. If you don't understand proper posture, you might be ruining your back all day long, just by the way you walk, sit, stand, move and do things.
  4. The health of intervertebral discs is crucial to the health of everyone's back, even if you don't have a herniated disc.

These 4 root causes of back troubles lead to increased muscle tension and imbalances...

...causing pain and...

...if uncorrected...

...the increased muscular tension will lead to increased wear and tear of your body, 'growing old and stiff before your time'...

...too much muscle tension means too much compression of your discs...

...which easily leads to full blown spinal disc herniation...

Fortunately this can all be remedied by you yourself, even in the comfort of your own home, with the:

BackPainGoodbye 4 Step Proven Plan.

Step 1 is To Make Sure Your SI-joint is Properly Aligned.

Your Sacro Iliac Joint connects your spine with your pelvis.

In the image above you see a yellow line showing the SI-joint on one side.

This is the foundation of a healthy back.

Moving with ease requires this joint to be properly aligned.

Recent research shows that out of 1000 cases of people with a variety of longer lasting back problems (with many herniated discs), 98% suffered from a SI-joint dysfunction.

When the SI-joint was corrected, the vast majority of all troubles disappeared all by themselves.

Last time my back popped out, it was in fact this joint that slightly went out, and my body immediately reacted by a very painful freezing of my muscles aimed at limiting the damage.

When this joint even goes out slightly, your muscles tension because your body tries to prevent this joint from even going out further, but...

...the unique shape of this SI-joint often makes it simple for the joint to stay put in the wrong position.

So you need to be able to correct this joint, because...

...as soon as you do that your muscles can relax again and this will make all the difference.

But what does this have to do with herniated or bulging discs, you ask?

Here you see a photo of what happens when a wheel on your car is misaligned...

On the right you see hardly any thread left, on the left there is still some.

This uneven wear is the result of misaligned wheels.

A similar thing happens with our intervertebral discs...

Beginning with your SI-joint...

If this joint is slightly misaligned, it will lead to increased wear and tear of the intervertebral disc(s) somewhere in your back or even the neck.

A misaligned SI-joint is known to lead to increased muscle tension...

...which makes matters even worse...

...because the increased muscle tension leads to more compression of the discs.

And the combination of misalignement AND increased muscle tension AND disc compression easily leads to one or more of your disc(s) being unable to bear the brunt any longer.

If uncorrected, a misaligned SI-joint WILL lead to trouble, sooner or later.

But it is fortunately easy to correct yourself. You don't even need a chiro or physio for that.

You can do this at home with the BackPainGoodbye SI Joint Self Correction Exercise Program.

The SI-Joint Self Correction Exercise Program alone is valued at 79 $, which is not even much since it allows you to correct your own SI-joint.

But rest assured you do not have to pay that for it at all. You'll see!

Let's look at Step 2 shall we?

Step 2 is To Get The Deepest & Smallest Muscles of Your Back Firing On All Cilinders.

Second thing you will be able to do is reactivate and fire up your multi fidus muscles in ISOLATION.

Your Multi Fidus Muscles play a double role...

...on the one hand these deeper lying small muscles have a signaling function that provides our brain with the fine motor information that allows precise control of the core stabilty of your back.

On the other hand these deeper lying muscles play the first responder role with every move that you make that involves your back.

Australian researchers found that with people with back pain and bulging disc troubles, some small sections of the multi fidus muscles, just don't fire up any more.

A good physio or chiro will be able to feel where this is the case in your back.

If these multifidus muscles do NOT fire up properly, larger and stronger muscles take over trying to provide core stability, BUT...

..they do it with far too much force, which leads to tension and pain and if it goes on for too long it leads to secondary damage to for example discs...

Step 3 Is About Taking Away the Posture Related Causes of Your Bulging Disc Troubles


Step 4: Treat Your Discs Like Your Life Depends On It - Because In A Way It Does...


  • Pain in the lower back that spoils your day and limits your ability to live life the way you want
  • A back that pops out, of course always at times you do not expect, nor want it
  • Sciatic pains shooting all the way down a leg, maybe even to the bottom of your foot
  • Chronic back pain, that just refuses to leave you alone, no matter how many times you go to your chiropractor, it keeps on coming back
  • The MRI shows a herniated disc, and you would rather not have surgery
  • Sore spots in your back or buttock, which trigger pain in other parts of your back, could even be in your leg, shoulder, neck or hand
  • Lack of confidence or trust in your body, simply because no matter what you try, your back just seems to get less dependable over time
  • Numb feelings in leg, foot, or even tingling sensations

Here's What To Do NOW

Click on the button below to order your copy of the BackPainGoodbye Program now.

Within minutes you'll have the program in your possesion, ready for immediate download, you get access straight away.

Once you click you will be taken to the checkout page, where you can enter your details and take care of secure payment.

Now Only $ 55,-

Take action today and allow this program to get your back in shape again.

SECURE Payment

UNCONDITIONAL 60 Day Money Back Guarantee NO Questions Asked


  • You take action and download the program now;
  • You discover the easy medical exercise to correct your own SI-joint;
  • You activate and re-train the deeper lying smallest muscles of your back, providing core stabilty and ease of movement;
  • The autopilot posture improvement ensures that all posture related causes of muscle tension and back troubles disappear;
  • You add 1 or 2 natural decompression exercises to your daily regimen, just to pamper your discs so they can dampen the shocks of all of your movements and increase your back's health;
  • Your back will get in proper shape again, allowing you to do whatever you want again, unhindered by debilitating pains that now fade away in your past.
  • You doubt this will work for you and decide not to take action today;
  • You hope that someone will find a magic pill that will take away your pains just like that;
  • You just hope your back will get better;
  • Until that happens you just take it easy and decide to move less and say no to more and more thinigs in your life;
  • You let your stiffness and soreness increase but keep hoping that things will improve;
  • You count on your physio or chiropractor to solve your back problems;
  • You will sleep over it and get back to this tomorrow, of course that will not happen, but hey maybe your back troubles will disappear never to come back again all by themself...

Most Asked Questions

That is one of the conditions that this program was developed for. And the experiences of people support this conclusion definitely. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee anything, simply because every body is different.

The emails from users indicate that some people feel immediate differences, for others it needs more time. The explanation is that the cause of the troubles in each situation might be different. If it took years to develop, but the only real cause is a misaligned SI-joint, your results might be quite spectacular.

If your back problems are the result of years of neglect of your deeper lying muscles and if your posture is not so good it might take longer before your muilti fidus muscles to relearn their first responder function.

In cases like this, we always look for reaction to the exercise program, if your body reacts, even with increased pain, often that proves to be part of the healing journey.

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